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Our customers are independent travelers
They comprise of solo travelers, couples, families and small groups of between 2-6 travelers
They’re interested in all-in-one travel package deals, personalized trips and authentic experiences
Primarily focused on multi-city, multiple destination trips to Europe
Frequent travelers who are part of our Insider Club membership program are also interested in multi-city vacation packages to other destinations around the world besides Europe. They’re interested in planning surprise trips, weekend getaways, special occasions (honeymoon, anniversary and birthday trips), which are all included in their membership.
Magazine – Our MultiCityTrips Insider eMagazine is posted on the Magazine & Inspirations section of our website, and distributed to our Insider Club members at the beginning of each month.
Newsletter – Our eNewsletter is sent out to our subscribers and all travelers, including our Insider Club members, once a week.
Social Media: Our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn accounts are all updated with new content 2-3 times per week.
Sponsored Posts: Our Inspiration section is updated 2-3 times/week with a selection of the following –
Travel Stories
Travel Tips
Destination Inspiration
Travel Essentials & Accessories
Food & Drink